Monday, May 18, 2009

Desperately Seeking Inspiration

Hey Josh,

I've been reading the next couple of assignments to find a topic that interests me for the next paper. Unfortunately the only one that slightly interests me is the negative side of prisons. However, I don't think I could actually write an interesting paper, that I care about, on that topic. I've thought about how violence in video games effects young people but can’t think of where control would come in. Any tips?

-Desperately Seeking Inspiration

Dear DSI,

You are under control.

Get the fuck out of your comfort zone.

Life here is so soft it can numb the thought right out of a person. Wait until the term is over before you go off walking shirtless to the Cascades or a one-way to a developing nation- for now use the Internet and your imagination.

Take a note pad, write down what you think are some possible questions at issue addressed by the readings you've done, then get on the Internet and browse news web sites, follow links out into the creepy fringes, and evaluate the ones that spark any interest.

Radio Free Europe
Al Jazeers
Voice of America

Take notes on why and what QI they may be addressing. Take special notice of any item that you think may particularly affect you as a young university student in Oregon, US. Take special notice of horrific items that appear to have no effect whatsoever on your life. Take note of the ones that are complete bullshit.

Take a break then brainstorm historical and contemporary, or even imagined/hypothesized situations that may be similar in some fashion.

Once you've sketched some possible threads turn on some music you can jam to or that you particularly enjoy. Songs with particularly poetic lyrics can be especially helpful.

Make connections: you - subject of interest - insight (cause+effect/claim+reason) - audience

If this doesn't get you somewhere, we'll try again in class tomorrow.

-Josh G.

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