Thursday, May 14, 2009


The Declaration Of Independence may be the most important document in the history of the United States, without it we would probably not be there today. This document is persuasive without using any threatening tactics. This is all about the people and how important it is for this country to their independence. The way Thomas Jefferson explains how "all men are created equal" would really appeal to someone because it is the truth and people like to see the truth when someone is trying to persuade them. Everything in this Declaration is appealing because it makes complete sense. Another persuasive writing tactic, proves how badly America had been treated. Jefferson goes through a lot of the things that the King had not done for them and it makes people think. After all of the complaints about the King, It goes into what the country needs as a whole. This is what ties everything together and really attempts to make Great Britain understand what they want. 
Karly Lundy

1 comment:

Stu said...

I agree. Americans were treated so badly by British in early society. And that was the time for Americans to defend themselves from Great Britain. If Americans could not catch that chance, there would be no today. So really thank the leaders for creating such a wonderful document for all Americans.

Han Cao