In Michael Kinsley’s piece “Orwell Got it Wrong” he argues that George Orwell’s novel 1984 is an inaccurate analysis of the advancements in technology. Kinsley states that modern technology has expanded our personal freedom, not suppressed it as George Orwell argued. I agree with Michael Kinsley on most accounts, but Orwell is not completely wrong. The Internet and the computer has always been a vital tool for my success. The Internet is a large contributor to my present knowledge, and I take comfort in knowing that I can find out anything I need to know on the Internet. Computers and the World Wide Web have enabled global communication on a universal basis and have allowed ambitious individuals to launch successful careers. However, the very same technology that has granted so much personal freedom can also be used against the general public. For an example, the Patriot Act enabled the government to invade anyone’s personal life via email and cell phones, which resulted to wrongful accusations of terrorist acts against Steve Kurtz and Brandon Mayfield. Advances in technology present opportunities for governments to further invade personal privacy. For an example, BBC says that there are 2.5 million CCTV (closed-circuit television) cameras operating within the U.K. The fear is that these cameras will spread to all public places and not just streets. Cameras placed in all public areas will coincidentally be able to oversee homes and private places. Although these cameras help reduce the crime rate, the cameras make the “Big Brother” mentality a reality because it is a closed circuit not available to the public.
-Justin Sander
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This was a really insightful and well written post. I mostly agree with you but do you really think that societies in the future could turn into the one shown in 1984? The UK is different from the United States. British government banned the movie "Wanted" because it allegedly promotes guns as cool. The Patriot act was put in because at that specific time the government and the public needed security. Cameras on streets are used to catch criminals. You're correct when you say the goverment could get out of control but if it does then is our responsibility to change it.
- Joe Najdek
Great job Justin Sander! I think this post was superbly well-written! The Patriot Act wrongfully accused both those people. It scares me that our Government seems to believe things are so out of control that they have to invade our personal space. However, as humans our nature is to survive. Therefore, at what costs are we willing to allow our Government to insure our freedom? Again, excellent post Justin!!!!!!
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