This is a visual representation of where our classroom discourse community is "from."
Does it mean anything? Does it matter? Why? How?
-Josh G.

I overall agree with Michael Kinsley’s argument that modern technology has increased mankind’s personal freedom. I am so reliant on the internet, my computer and my television that I couldn’t even imagine a world without them. The internet is one of the greatest inventions of all time because it allows us to explore and connect to the world every night. Without those freedoms, such as the right to choose, which allows us to be independent; we would have limited options for entertainment and work. In turn the government would have an increased chance to take away our freedoms for nothing in return. In a way, modern technology does show slight similarities to the example of George Orwell’s 1984. What we buy, how we act and sometimes even how we think is controlled by what we see online and in films. Sometime in the future our freedom of speech could be in danger but that is not directly linked to technology. With the increased personal freedom comes increased personal responsibility. What is appropriate varies with different people in different areas. I think that anything in technology or the media is “potentially dangerous material”. Pornography is vulgar and everyone knows it exists; nobody is forced to watch it. The only cost of having too much personal freedom, in my opinion, is discovering something harmful. In the end we, especially in America, have the free will to pretty much use, watch, and do whatever we want.